About Us

Zimbabwe Plant Breeders Association (ZPBA) is a membership based, non-political and not-for-profit professional association of Zimbabweans based locally or abroad active or interested in plant breeding and related fields launched on 26 January, 2016.


Locally, the related professionals include biotechnologists, geneticists, molecular biologists, seed technologists, seed agronomists, seed inspectors, genetic conservation specialists, plant propagators etc.

Our Vision

Our vision is Continual improvement of people’s lives with improved plants from plant breeding


Our Mission


To contribute to the growth and sustained success of the plant breeding sector through knowledge exchange so that it takes its rightful/ strategic position in the national development agenda for improved food and nutrition security, enhanced quality of life and a sustainable future.

Our Values

  • Regard for laws – Have high regard for ‘Intellectual Property Protection’, ‘Plant Variety Protection’- and ‘Planting Seed’- related laws/legislation locally and internationally.
  • Apply Integrity and Professionalismin all endeavours – Members will be guided by the principle of good conduct and responsible behaviour.
  • Strive for Excellence – Members will set ambitious goals and targets, and consistently strive to deliver excellence in our work.
  • High ethical standards in all undertakings.
  • Accountability members to be accountable to those we serve and those who support of our work in various ways including giving us resources.
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