Become a member

Come work with us

ZPBA has a platform for information exchange amongst professionals & business, for enriching and respectful discussions, and for contributing towards policy dialogue.


Open to all Zimbabwean professionals who are actively involved with or interested in any activity involving scientific plant breeding in Zimbabwe based locally or abroad following application to and approval by the Executive Committee. Members should accept aims, terms and conditions of the association and pay up subscriptions.

Membership Categories

  1. Honorary life members – by nomination but non-voting and non-fee paying
  2. Ordinary members – individuals active or interested in the field, pay full membership fees
  3. Graduate student members – individuals studying at tertiary educational facilities, pay reduced membership fees.
  4. Retired members – pay reduced membership fees but enjoy all benefits
  5. Corporate members – Zimbabwean companies and institutions active or interested in the field. Have one nominated representative.

Membership Benefits

  • Voting rights
  • Networking opportunities, facilitating collaborations/ consortiums
  • Timely communication via various Association platforms especially for events, opportunities be it job vacancies, mentoring/internships, scholarships, collaborations etc
  • Engagement in matters of interest through working groups
  • Learn new techniques/ latest technologies/ advances in breeding from experts at reasonable costs
  • Professional and personal growth opportunities
  • A professional voice to influence the public and decision makers
  • Discounted rates for events/ facilities
  • Traceable independent reference
  • Sense of pride in the profession

Annual Membership Benefits

  1. Ordinary member US$40.00,
  2. Student member US$10.00 and applicable up to 1 year after graduation
  3. Retired members US$40.00
  4. Corporate members US$250.00
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