Theme: Addressing Fall Armyworm &; other emerging issues
THEME: Addressing Fall Armyworm & other emerging issues
1. The Fall Armyworm training workshop for breeders
29-30 January, 2020
Focusing on Understanding the pest in Zimbabwe, Breeding and screening germplasm for FAW
host plant resistance, Sharing local information
Touring CIMMYT screening facilities
Registration fee of Z$250.00 for paid-up members; Z$350.00 for the rest (due by 20
January, 2020)
2. Ordinary General meeting of ZPBA
In accordance with section 6.2 of the ZPBA Constitution, Notice is hereby given for the Ordinary General
Meeting on Thursday 30 th January, 2020 (approximately from 14:00-16:30)
On the Agenda
a. Ordinary Business:
President Report
Treasurer Report
Review of member subscription rates
Election of Office bearers for the period 2020-2021 (section 5 of ZPBA Constitution)
Selection/ nomination of 2022 Congress organizing committee.
b. Special Business (send requests by 16 January, 2020)
Banking details
1. Account Name: Zimbabwe Plant
Breeders Association
1096005470194 Bank
Name: FBC Bank
Limited; Branch:
Borrowdale, Harare
Branch Sort Code: 8127;
2. Account
Name: Zimbabwe Plant
Breeders Association
Account Number: 4129-
541362-200 Bank Name:
ZB Bank Branch: